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Dear George, I'm upset. I'm furious with Virginia legislators for trying to have control over women's bodies. For making it impossible for a woman to get an abortion in Virginia basically. An abortion that is LEGAL. That these self righteous, white men telling ME that I have to travel to Roanoke or farther to terminate a pregnancy. Even out of Virginia. What is this, 1969?? When women had to travel to New York to get a back alley, coat hanger abortion?? Is this what Virginia has come to?? I grew up in the 60's. Amid the sexual revolution. With hardly any birth control available. It was a nightmare every month during high school and college. And I wasn't promiscuous. I wasn't a slut. I was an average American girl. And I was lucky not to have an unwanted pregnancy during those years. A pregnancy that would have ruined my life and my future. Then came Roe v Wade. FINALLY we had control of our bodies and our lives. Of our future. In the early 70's I had my son. Alone. Single mother. In the late 70's I did have an unwanted pregnancy. I had an abortion, something I am not ashamed to admit. I had a CHOICE and I made it. Key word here CHOICE. My choice. And I don't regret it today. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't had that choice. Gotten into a lousy marriage? Became a drunk? Killed myself? Abused the child born that I wasn't ready for? Now 30 years later I find myself in this conservative, Republican, good old boy state of Virginia, where some legislators (not all-not most probably) want to keep us in the kitchen and on our backs. Barefoot and pregnant. In abusive relationships. On welfare. Rape and incest victims. Poverty-stricken children. Abused kids. NO CHOICE. I am disgusted with this state. I have lived all over this great country and I have never seen politics such as this. Virginia is about 30 years behind the rest of the country. I am mad as hell. Every woman in this state needs to stand up, make calls, write an email and get involved. Tell these men in Richmond we want a choice. We deserve a choice. This is 2004, not 1969. This is your life ladies. And your daughter's and your granddaughter's lives. Do it. Jan Cornell (electronic mail, February 2, 2004)