Archives - Alia Anderson Touts Alternative Transportation
February 2004
Letters to the Editor: Alia Anderson Touts Alternative Transportation
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A few weeks ago, I had one of those awesome, once-in-a-lifetime experiences that came to me ONLY because I was NOT in my single occupancy vehicle, but instead, out enjoying my day on a bicycle. I was biking with a friend near the lawn when a well dressed, Indian man came running towards us. He stopped us and asked us if we were both Virginians. We looked confusedly at each other and replied, "Yes, why?"

"Well," he said, "how would you like to be in a commercial?"

"Sounds fun, what's the deal?" we asked.

He explained that his production company was here from Beverly Hills, hired by VDOT to make an educational commercial about new procedures at the DMV. In order to make transactions, you now have to prove that you're a Virginian and an American (grrr...). The icing on the non-motorized-vehicle-cake was that for our time, he would pay us each a hundred dollars. Their plan for the commercial was to have a montage of diverse, active people, giving their cheesiest thumbs up and proclaiming, "I'm a Virginian!" (you may have seen it on TV this month...). So, for about ten minutes, we stood with our bikes in front of the rotunda, sporting our helmets and our proudest grins, declaring, "I'm a Virginian!" and made a quick, easy $100. And THAT, children, is why life is eight million times more interesting when you are OUTSIDE of your CARS!!!!!

Alia Anderson (electronic mail, February 4, 2004)

Alliance for Community Choice in Transportation

PO Box 1582

(609 East Market Street, Suite 106)

Charlottesville, VA 22902

tel/fax: 434.295.6554

Comments? Questions? Write me at