Archives - Robert Bragg Endorses John Kerry
February 2004
Letters to the Editor: Robert Bragg Endorses John Kerry
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Dear George:

John Kerry is a decorated Vietnam War Hero, who knows about patriotism, personal sacrifice, and call to duty. He risked his life in Vietnam to save a Green Beret who was faced with certain death. JOHN KERRY KNOWS THE SACRIFICES FIRE FIGHTERS MAKE EVERY DAY TO HELP THOSE IN IMMEDIATE NEED.

As a result, he has Sponsored our Fire Act (grants), our Safer Act (75K) new Fire Fighters, and our Collective Bargaining Bill, and has stood his ground against the onslaught of anti-worker bills pushed by the present Bush Administration.

Robert Bragg, Charlottesville, Virginia, February 7, 2004

So far, President Bush has stripped Collective Bargaining rights from the Department of Justice and Homeland Security employee’s. In the budget he has placed no monies for the Safer Act, and has taken half of the monies normally allocated for the COPS Program. He has tried three times to kill our Fire Act grants, and is now in his third attempt to kill our overtime rights. And if President Bush is successful, he will remove overtime from any military veteran who has used his/her GI Bill to get training or a college degree. Veterans! The very ones who served our country!

John Kerry has stood firm in his opposition to Bush’s assaults on working families. John Kerry worked with the IAFF to remove Federal Fire Fighters from Bush’s collective bargaining cuts in the Department of Homeland Security, making them the only DHS employee’s who still have the right to contract. Quite Frankly, Fire Fighters have never had a better friend in Congress than John Kerry.

I will give you one last reason while I’m voting for John Kerry. I believe very strongly in the 2nd Amendment, and so does he. John Kerry is a lifelong hunter and outdoorsman. He has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and does so everyday. John Kerry will protect our gun rights, and all our constitutional rights, not just the ones he agrees with.

Robert L. Bragg III (electronic mail, February 10, 2004)
President, Charlottesville Prof. Firefighters
Vice President, Virginia Prof. Firefighters

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