Archives - David Swanson Praises Charlottesville's Support of Dennis Kucinich in the Virginia Presidential Primary
February 2004
Letters to the Editor: David Swanson Praises Charlottesville's Support of Dennis Kucinich in the Virginia Presidential Primary
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Hi George,

I have long maintained that Charlottesville is several times smarter than the rest of the state, which would seem to be confirmed by Dennis having received 4.3 times the vote there he did in the state as a whole.

Although the media instructed everyone to vote for Kerry, Charlottesville gave him 2 percent less than he got statewide, and gave Dean twice what he got statewide despite the media having reversed its instructions regarding him.

There is hope -- it's too bad secession has such a bad history.

David Swanson (electronic mail, February 10, 2004)

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