Archives - Karen Waters Touts Council Candidates' Involvement with QCC
February 2004
Letters to the Editor: Karen Waters Touts Council Candidates' Involvement with QCC
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As a citizen-governed coalition of residents, city staff, and non-profit professionals actively engaged in citizen empowerment and creative problem solving addressing quality of life issues in challenged city neighborhoods, QCC is pleased to have four of the five candidates among our membership. We believe this speaks well of our ability to be an entry point for citizens seeking to increase their civic engagement, as well as our work in capacity building, providing outreach and service as a liaison between neighborhoods and city government.

Incumbent city councilor Kevin Lynch is a long-standing member of QCC, and a frequent attendee of our meetings and events.

Kendra Hamilton became involved over a year ago when she was working with First United Methodist Church to start Seeds for Sharing, a community gardening initiative for which QCC provided assistance with flyers and publicity--she and my daughter Kelsey knocked on several doors to drum up support for this project! She continues to be involved in supporting our community policing projects.

Kenneth Jackson has participated on our Public Safety Focus Area group, as well as our Board of Directors. A past president of the Ridge Street neighborhood association, Kenneth actively assisted QCC in achieving our 501c3 status.

Ann Reinicke joined QCC's Building By Building, Block By Block Community Policing initiative partnership with the Charlottesville Police Dept. as a block representative for the Orangedale/Prospect neighborhood, and is a graduate of the Citizens Police Academy in addition being to an active member of the newly reorganized Orangedale/Prospect Neighborhood Association.

QCC's motto, "The Courage to Make a Difference," recognizes the courage and sacrifice required in making positive change, and we applaud Kevin, Kendra, Kenny and Ann in their desire to seek public office.

Karen Waters (electronic mail, February 17, 2004)

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