Archives - Jan Cornell Comments on Minimum Wage and the Virginia General Assembly
February 2004
Letters to the Editor: Jan Cornell Comments on Minimum Wage and the Virginia General Assembly
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I attended this session yesterday, February 9th. The room was packed, standing room only. Senator Miller was brilliant, as usual. The speakers for the bill were eloquent and right on target. Lobbyists from the state Chamber of Commerce looked ridiculous as did the lobbyist from the Hospitality Association. I think it is about time our "elected representatives" start thinking about Virginia citizens sleeping under bridges, using social services because they can't earn enough to support themselves and their families, STATE workers, 7000 of them, making 5.63 an hour or less. I see rich senators (excluding Senator Miller of course) sitting up there on their pedestals, making their money on the backs of low wage workers and it disgusts me.

It's time to throw out the bums. To stand up and say "we're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore".

It as an eye opener for me and instead of wanting to leave the state of Virginia, it makes me want to fight harder than ever.

I'm mad as hell.

Jan Cornell (electronic mail, February 10. 2004)

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