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George, So the BUSH BOYS are sliming another opponent! George the First denied any connection to the Willie Horton ads, but refused to condemn them for what they were; racist, fear mongering attacks on Michael Dukakis, inaccurate in content, half true in accuracy . . . but Joe Sixpack bought into them and Bush and Quayle won over two significantly more intelligent men, Governor Michael Dukakis and Senator Lloyd Bentsen. George the Younger learned well, they used every dirty trick in their arsenal to discredit and villify John McCain in the 2000 primaries, using language exactly the same as the current attacks against John Kerry, and, financed by the same Bush toadies in Texas. Kerry got shrapnel , Bush got two fillings. Most of these chicken hawks never served a day, most got deferments, and, in the case of Snarl Cheney, "had better things to do". But, as the Nazis proved, if you tell a lie often enough, eventually, it takes on the appearance of truth. The Bushies from the outset tried to show Kerry was unfit to lead a "wartime nation", this coming from a man who lied the nation into a useless and needless war, and after more than 950 dead, thousands maimed and wounded, and a third of a trillion dollars gone from our treasury, we remain trapped in an endless quagmire! Are Americans REALLY this stupid to not see Bush really has no clothes? After he pronounced "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" on board the "USS A. Lincoln" in May of 2003, the better choice of words should be "NOTHING ACCOMPLISHED" If any hard working American would only realize the shafting the average taxpayer is getting as the Bush Gang rolls back taxes on investment income by cutting capital gains taxes, taxes on dividends and interest and estate taxes, he/she would quickly realize that the working stiffs will be underwriting the cost of government for the wealthy elite. They might even get angry! Bush & Co. want to go even furthur and roll back social programs dating back to FDR. Privatizing social security would be a disaster, because the theory from the beginning was that active workers would provide the funds for the disabled, widows, orphans and retirees . . . siphoning funds from this pool into untouchable private accounts would upset an already threatened system. That isn't even counting the volatility of the stock market. Wall Street brokers would be the main beneficiaries of this Bush Scam. This administration is a gang of neo-facists and their actions and policies strongly resemble those of the Third Reich. Karl Rove must have the Josef Goebbels and Hermann Goering playbooks. Pre-emptive war was a Nazi prescription for maintaining power and keeping the citizenry blind to the nation's real difficulties. Bush even has his own "devils;" he calls them "tax and spend LIBERALS"! Hitler called them Communists, liberals and Jews! Yes, it can happen in America, absolute power DOES corrupt absolutely. . . and the Right controls all three branches of our government. We shouldn't be shocked! The old expression that "noone is as blind as those who REFUSE to see is alive and well in contemporary America. . . As young Ron Reagan pointed out in his September "Esquire" piece, "there are those who will drink the Kool Aid" regardless of the overwhelming evidence against this nightmarish administration. Anyone watching one night of prime time television can quickly see where much of the American citizenry have their priorities! We shouldn't be shocked. They have even managed to make their critics and accusers appear to be traitors, for example, turning a triple amputee Silver Star decorated Viet Nam vet, Senator Max Cleland, into a Saddam bunk mate, because he refused to support Junior's Splendid Little War and allowing a character by the name of Saxbe Chambliss to replace him in the US Senate from Georgia(yes, some Americans are THAT stupid and the facists know this). There is one cause for optimism, Bush and his minions will have difficulty making everyone who oppose their reckless and dangerous "theories" , treasonous and un American; not when Nobel economists, members of their own party, leading generals and admirals, members of Bush's father's administration, even successful rock stars all see the inherent danger of four more years of a Bush debacle. Abraham Lincoln was right, when he said, "you can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you can't fool all the people, all the time. " Bush may be at this point in history. Beating Bush is not enough, we must save our country from this monster! - Harry Tenney (electronic mail, August 23, 2004)