Archives - Blicero in the Street at the RNC
August 2004
Republican National Convention 2004: Blicero in the Street at the RNC
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Some Images from Sunday's March
Photos and Captions by Blicero


The keynote, in my opinion.

A simple statement of fact.

Two demonstrators show their signs.

I guess this guy didn't hear about the swift boats, and the truth?

A matter to be thoroughly looked into, one hopes.

The march moves very, very slowly up 7th Avenue.

The march passes Madison Square Garden, home of this week's shit/corpse/& ash fest.

"Republican Convention: 12-Year-Old to Cover RNC for 'Weekly Reader.'" Is that Candy Crowley on screen?

(Blicero, American Coprophagia, August 30, 2004)

from the "Unofficial, Uncensored Welcome Party" at Crobar last night.

The Billionaires for Bush

A guy with a pretty interesting T-shirt:

The Billionaires in their limo, waving "Bush/Cheney" and "Four More Wars" signs:

What $65 million of security looks like

(Blicero, American Coprophagia, August 29, 2004)

"The only reason the Republicans are coming to our city is to sell a product. That product is the murder of 3,000 of our fellow New Yorkers by terrorist attacks which occurred on Bush's watch." (Blicero, American Coprophagia, August 28, 2004)


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