Archives - Fooling is Past for City Council Campaign
April 2004
Letters to the Editor: Fooling is Past for City Council Campaign
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Dear George -

It's April. The Fooling is past, the flowers are popping out. And the campaign has one month until the election on May 4.

I have no doubt that we have the best candidates. They are all well prepared by life experience and education to be great Councilors. They are eager to learn about City issues to deal the specific challenges that will test our community over the next four years. Good government doesn't just happen. It takes dedication and hard work.

If that sounds a little preachy, I'm sorry but there is an underlying purpose. We can cuckle at the paralysis and mess in Richmond and Washington, but it could happen here. We lost one last time by letting down our guard.

"Good government doesn't just happen" means we can not just lay it off on the candidates. We all need to play some part in helping them get elected. (And staying in touch with them afterwards on issues you care about.)

That said, the campaign is in good shape.

David, Kendra and Kevin have been knocking on doors, making phone calls and preparing themselves for a number of dabates and forums.

The office is open. We have literature, both detailed and simple.

We have bumper stickers. Yard signs are arriving tomorrow. If you want either or both, call 296-1865 and they will be delivered.

Campaign meetings are on Tuesday afternoons at 5:30 in the Headquarters on the Mall.

That's every Tuesday from now until the Election. April 6, 13, 20 and 27.

No need to come every week but try to come sometimes. Everyone is welcome. We have a plan and need lots of hands and minds to carry it out.

And we need your suggestions. Often the best ideas come shining out of the most casual conversation.

- John Conover (electronic mail, April 4, 2004)

Comments? Questions? Write me at