Archives - Harry Tenney Comments on the Bush White House
April 2004
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments on the Bush White House
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Karen Hughes, former White House advisor to GW Bush, answering a question posed by Mr Russert on Sunday's NBC program, "Meet The Press," reached a new high in gall, better described as "chutzpah".

When asked why the White House has appeared to be "stonewalling" the 9-11 Commission by refusing to release important documents and having at first refused to allow National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleeza Rice to appear publicly and under oath, Mrs Hughes said the president was determined to protect the ability of his aides to speak openly and candidly and to keep the separation of powers clearly a Constitutional protection.

Apparently, Mrs Hughes, speaking for Bush, is unaware that the 9-11 Commission is not a legislative body. Not subject to the issue of the separation of powers.

But, the breathtaking statement was when Hughes said the president was also concerned about the personal safety of any individual subject to public scrutiny before the Commission--she cited the Valerie Plame as a case in point.

Either through ignorance, arrogance or naivete, Hughes forgot to mention that Robert Novak, the columnist who revealed that Ms Plame was a CIA operative, indicated that the story was leaked to him by the White House!

Does she think this is all a big mistake and Novak got his facts mixed up?

That the Bush White House is above such dastardly deeds?

- Harry Tenney (electronic mail, April 5, 2004)

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