Archives - Voter Registration Drive at Reid's Market
April 2004
Seen Around Town: Voter Registration Drive at Reid's Market
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[L] Newly Registered Voter Paul Carr, Reid's Market, Charlottesville, Virginia, April 2, 2004

On Friday, April 2nd, volunteers registered 19 new voters in a drive sponsored by the Voter Education, Registration, and Mobilization Committee, the City Voter Registrar Sherri Iachetta and the KISS 92.7 crew.

[L] Newly Registered Voter, Reid's Market, Charlottesville, Virginia, April 2, 2004

Treats were available for kids, as well as information on the restoration of voting rights for felons.

[L-R] Newly Registered Voter Eva Johnson with her mother Joy, Reid's Market, Charlottesville, Virginia, April 2, 2004

Voter registration for the May 4, 2004 Charlottesville City Council Race closed on Monday April 5th. However, you may still register to vote for the upcoming presidential election as well as vote absentee for the council election if you are already registered.

In the last two days, 171 people have registered to vote in Charlottesville. And year to date, 908 new people have registered in Charlottesville and/or transferred in from somewhere else (Sheri Iachetta, electronic mail, April 6, 2004)

For more, see the newly updated Charlottesville Voter Registration Page for polling places (including maps of the precincts), past city council election results back to 1990, and all of your election needs.

Comments? Questions? Write me at