Archives - John Conover Comments About Democrats Working Together and the 2004 Charlottesville City Council Campaign
April 2004
Letters to the Editor: John Conover Comments About Democrats Working Together and the 2004 Charlottesville City Council Campaign
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The [tag] line [for the Charlottesville City Council campaign] is "Democrats Working Together." It is not "Democrats Agreeing on Everything at the Same Time."

David, Kendra and Kevin are in full accord on the basic Democratic principles of equal opportunity, good public schools, an open and active local government, recognition of the history of racial division and civility towards all.

They all bring different experience, education and perspective to their candidacies and, hopefully, their future service on the City Council.

These differences under the umbrella of the common principles lead to intelligent debate on the many specific issues that will arise over the next four years.

I would worry if they were identical. We will all benefit from their collective wisdom.

They have been working together during the campaign by sharing ideas, supporting each other on various issues and taking a cooperative role in dividing the door knocking and phone calling to effectively cover the whole community. As Campaign Chair, I know working together when I see it and when I don't.

"Working together" is not what I see the Republicans doing anywhere. It the local campaign, they have separate yard signs and bumper stickers leaving the impression of divided support. In Richmond, we are paying per diems for them to squabble. And in Washington, we have Republicans finger pointing at each other as they all seek to avoid responsibility for the mistakes of the past three years.

John Conover (electronic mail, April 16, 2004)

Editor's Note: For some of the views of candidates in the 2004 Charlottesville City Council race, see Chamber of Commerce Summary of Charlottesville City Council Candidate Interviews on Selected Policy Issues, Council Candidates Outline Transport Positions, Council Candidates Face Off on Local Issues and link for Voter Guide to Charlottesville City Council Elections.

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