Archives - Comments About Creationism in the Public Schools
April 2004
2004 Charlottesville City Council Race: Comments About Creationism in the Public Schools
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I think our founding fathers were very wise in writing separation of church and state into our Constitution. We should keep it that way!

Bill Abbott (electronic mail, April 27, 2004)

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Ms. Reinicke advocates the teaching of creationism in the public schools but I believe it belongs in the Bible Study class in a worship center. The concept is certainly religious, not historical, and not scientific. If a comparative religion class is offered, a forum for creationism could legitimately exist. I see no other appropriate place in the public school for teaching an essentially religious belief.

Martha Wood (electronic mail, April 27, 2004)

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I would like to have Ms.Ann Reinicke explain creationism to me. I think I have an open mind about most things, after all, I once believed in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. I did have some trouble with the tooth fairy, however, after I put a tooth under my pillow (unbeknownst to my parents) and got nothing.

Harry Tenny (electronic mail, April 27, 2004)

Editor's Note: See also the National Academy of Sciences resources for evolution, Dave Sagarin's Comments on Creationism, Al Weed Answers Questions about Separation of Church and State, In Texas a Darwinian Debate, American Values, Religious Coercion and Liberty, and Defending the Wall

Then please send your thoughts to where the most representative comments will be placed on my website with full attribution.

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