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George, They (the right wing of Bush & Co.) turned Senator Max Cleland of Georgia, a triple amputee, Viet Nam veteran, awarded the Silver Star, into a traitor because he DARED question the Boy Emperor and his minions' motives for declaring war against Iraq; he had the temerity to ask why a dictator, who was totally contained by "no fly" zones, embargoes and satellite observations, presented an "imminent" threat to the US. Over a year later and hundreds of Americans dead, thousands maimed for life, countless Iraqi civilians, including children, pregnant women dead or brurtally burned and scarred, billions upon billions of taxpayer's dollars going down a rat hole with no end in sight, ex-Senator, Max Cleland's concerns and warnings are feebly responded to by an inarticulate idiot who can't complete two coherent sentences in a rambling "news conference" to preselected questioners. He said he has made no mistakes. Arrogance beyond comprehension! When, oh when does the citizenry awaken to this nightmare of hoodwinking and lies? Hitler used preemptive strikes against almost every nation in Europe declaring each of them to be an "imminent" threat to the Third Reich; he managed to take the focus of the German people off his miserable failure as a domestic leader, while allowing the major industries of Germany (I. G. Farben, Krupp, A. G. Bayer, etc.) to profit handsomely and, in many cases, employing Jewish slave laborers. Does some of this sound familiar? Anyone who dared criticize the Fuhrer, was summarily shot, WWI heroes notwithstanding! We aren't there yet, but more and more, what was once thought unthinkable is becoming reality! I suggest anyone interested in the workings of the Nazi propaganda machine start by reading an interview by Gustav Gilbert of ReichsMarshal Hermann Goring in April 1946 [Nuremburg Diary]. It will chillingly give insight into what Bush & Co. are employing against their critics. Josef Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister saw that the media reflected the party line, more and more, we see a media in the US threatened with advertising boycotts, condemnation and access denied if they dare reveal the truth about this scurrilous bunch in the West Wing. Smear, distort, lie as they are currently doing to Senator John Kerry and his war record. THIS coming from a bunch of chicken hawks who never served a day in uniform, serving the country they claim to love so much. (Cheney had "better things to do"!) Cheney criticizes Kerry for voting against the same weapons that he, Cheney, himself opposed, , as a matter of fact, Cheney as Sec of Defense opposed 81 weapons systems including the Apache helicopter now in operation in Iraq! Where is the outrage? Where is the media? Why are the American people not at the barricades? Our nation is suffering, our international reputation is in tatters. Mubarak of Egypt says the Arab hatred of the US is at an all time high, and we are getting ready to take over the Israeli operation of Gaza when the Israeli forces withdraw! Another debacle in the making. Bush is a miserable flop! If a hummingbird had his brain, it would fly backward, permanently! The right wing can only smear, mock, lie, villify any and all that question their madness--Bruce Lindsay, Paul O'Neil, Gen. Zinni, Gen. Shinseki, Ambassador Wilson, Richard Clarke, John Kerry etc. All critical, all subjected to Bush denial and vituperation! Kerry must not just beat Bush, he must save the nation and the world from him! - Harry Tenney (electronic mail, April 27, 2004)