Archives - Allen Hale with Mark Warner
September 2003
Seen Around Town: Allen Hale with Mark Warner
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Allen Hale with Mark Warner

Virginia House of Delegates Candidate Allen Hale (D-59th District) [Right] with Governor Mark Warner - University of Virginia , Charlottesville, September 5, 2003

Governor Mark Warner was at the University of Virginia to deliver his Education for a Lifetime address.

Says Hale, "I am proud to support and heartily endorse Governor Mark Warner's "Education for a Lifetime" initiatives. Most Virginians want the best public schools for our children and resent the unfunded mandates from the State. Republicans are quick to applaud the Standards of Quality for our schools, but unwilling to allocate the necessary resources. The Governor has it right when he makes the commitment to increase funding for public education and fully fund the Standards of Quality.

As I have traveled throughout the rural counties of Virginia's Piedmont, I have observed first hand the consequences of denied educational opportunities: lack of basic skills; higher crime, mostly associated with alcohol and drug addictions; workers without motivation; and poverty.

The General Assembly must make the investment in our educational system and this means addressing tax reform. I have previously stated that our income tax brackets must be changed to relieve the burden on low and middle incomes while increasing the rate on the wealthy. Obviously, revenue neutral tax restructuring will do nothing to address the budget shortfalls we already face.

I applaud the Governor for clearly outlining his educational initiatives. It is now up to the General Assembly to work with him to find the means to pay for these efforts." (electronic mail, September 8, 2003)

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