Archives - Sherwood Ross Champions Chicago Democracy
September 2003
Letters to the Editor: Sherwood Ross Champions Chicago Democracy
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Dear George:

When your political party can't compete in terms of buying TV time, people-power has got to be the answer. "Chicago Democracy," as the Democrats there like to refer to themselves, has every precinct in the city covered by a captain, often with several assistants. There are always half a dozen people, counting volunteers, working a precinct, or about one activist for every one hundred voters. Any of your readers who distribute anti-Bush, pro-Democratic Party literature, would have the fun of campaigning for themselves, meeting the people, shaking hands. They would find it very encouraging right now, particularly as opposition to the Bush regime grows. They would find Democrats such as themselves, still smarting from the Florida voter count, Independents ready to listen and even disillusioned Republicans proclaiming they will vote against Bush because of the lies about Iraq, the economy, or the despoliation of the environment. I have found the best place to give out a leaflet is a supermarket parking lot. I hand them out to people as they are returning to their cars and ask them to take the leaflet home and read it. The leaflet does not attack Republicans as such because I want Republican voters to switch and attacking their party might make them defensive. Bush is the target here. Also, I am invariably polite and even if recipients give me an argument I tell them to be sure to vote on election day. If they are unregistered, I urge them to get registered because "every vote counts." Note the leaflet contains a plug for Al Weed. Those who make their own leaflets, of course, can mention any candidates they wish. If they do, they should clear the content of the leaflet with that candidate. Usually, I reprint a copy of an editorial or column from a newspaper on the reverse side of the leaflet, the point being to back up one of the arguments on the leaflet with an in-depth examination of the issue. In the several months I have been handing the leaflets out I have learned much about people and human nature, made new friends, gotten unregistered voters to tell me they will vote on election day, and, in general, have had a wonderful time. I hope other Democrats will undertake this work because their presence will reinforce the notion we are the majority political party in this nation, which we are, and we do not intend to stand idly by and allow our society to be swept under by the selfish forces of reaction.


A: This year's budget deficit of $455-billion is the largest in American history. If you guessed George W. Bush, you're right! Some other facts:

# There are nearly 3-million fewer workers on the payrolls since President Bush took office. Long-term unemployment is growing, college grads, laid-off workers and seniors can' t find jobs at a living wage.

# Bush's millionaire friends will get a $97,000 tax cut. How much are you getting? Nearly every State is in red ink now because of Bush's policies. Local taxes soar; school funds are cut.

# 40-million Americans have no health coverage. What's Bush done about it?

# What's Bush done for small business? Why doesn't he take the burden of medical insurance off the backs of employers? What's he done to help the VA hospitals? Tried to get an appointment lately?

# Bush wants to "privatize" Social Security. That's so his Wall Street friends can gamble on the stock market with the money YOU worked hard for all your life. Don't let 'em gamble with your savings!

# Thirty million hard-working Americans live in poverty. What's Bush done to raise the $5.15 an hour minimum wage? What's he done for retail clerks, hotel workers, laborers, factory workers?

# Do you believe in free-market competitive bidding? Why have vice-president Cheney's former business buddies at Halliburton Corp. gotten NO-BID contracts for multi-million dollar projects in Iraq?

# How far can you trust a President who made a war on grounds the enemy had WMD and still hasn't found proof of it? Remember Bush's words of last Oct. 2nd: "(The Iraqi regime) has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons. It is rebuilding the facilities used to make those weapons."

# About 200 Americans have been killed and 1,000 wounded so far in Iraq at a cost of $70-billion. And why should you pay $4-billion a month more now to rebuild Iraq while Bush 2 slashes aid to the States?

# Do you want the FBI to have unchecked access to all your personal information-medical records, phone calls, E-mail, magazine subscriptions, library checkout list, and bank statement --- and the right to break into your home without a search warrant? What do you call a person who advocates that?

We need a President who will balance the budget, protect Social Security, create jobs at fair wages, provide medical and drug coverage for all, respect the free market system, the environment, and our freedoms. The Democrats are not perfect, but they are for the working man and woman, so elect a Democratic President and Democrat Al Weed to Congress. Independents! Republicans! Democrats! Unite to defeat Bush! BE SURE TO REGISTER AND VOTE. Say, why not make up your own flier and give out a few hundred? This leaflet from fellow Virginian

Let's talk.

Sherwood Ross (electronic mail, September 6, 2003)

Comments? Questions? Write me at