Archives - Harry Tenney Responds to Will Lyster About Occupation and Choice
October 2003
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Responds to Will Lyster About Occupation and Choice
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It would be one thing if those young men and women, putting their lives on the line to protect "our American way of life" - as so eloquently stated by the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. - were forced to serve in the military at wages that are often at or below the poverty level in the US.

Mr Lyster's logic escapes me, if I understand him correctly, if you choose to serve as a soldier, teacher, fireman, police officer or farm worker, society has no obligation to pay you a wage above the poverty level, if those occupations be YOUR choice and not imposed by slavery or indentured servitude.

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, October 14, 2003)

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