Archives - Harry Tenney Comments on the 'Cruel Ideologues of the Right'
November 2003
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments on the 'Cruel Ideologues of the Right'
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What makes these insanely cruel idealogues of the Right (Democrat and Republican), tick? I noticed when the puppet signed the abortion bill yesterday, women were noticeable by their absence.

How is the extremist fundamentalist religious right able to prevail on JEB in Florida, to keep a human cabbage alive after thirteen years in an "advanced vegetative state"?

How are the extremists of the Right able to censor a network program because, in their opinion, it demeans their icon? The facts are Reagan was already demented in his last years as president, and relied heavily on his wife, her astrologer, his handlers and a working Tele-Prompter to keep his act together. But with the threat of boycott and intimidation, CBS and its owner, "Viacom" caved in!

I read a report in the NY Times today about the destruction of the education system in California by prop. #14, passed overwhelmingly by the fanatical lobbying of Jarvis and his merry band of right wingers ..... money was no object, they got their wish ... lower real estate taxes and the nation's best educational system destroyed.

Bush, when governor of Texas became known as the "Texecutioner", more humans were legally killed on his "watch" than ever before in any state's history. He mocked the death of Karla Faye Tucker and was rebuked by Pat Robertson and Gary Bauer. That is quite an accomplishment!

Some defendents were represented by drunks, incompetents, "lawyers" whose principle legal experience was real estate closings, lawyers who slept through key evidentiary parts of the trial. Evidence in some trials was flimsy and in one case even the prosecutors had serious doubts about the defendent's guilt! In all, of the several hundred executed; forensic studies scrupulously following Texas law, indicated, nine were either not guilty or should have received a lesser sentence.

Boy George signed all the death warrants with a flourish!!

Finally, fifteen Americans were killed in Iraq by their helicopter being blown out of the sky, our "compassionate conservative" stays holed up in his ranch after an exhaustive week of fund raising and never offers a word of solace or comfort.

The "one note" occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue can't even bring himself to abandon, for a moment, his zealotry in pursuit of his (first) election in 2004. Highlighting the carnage in Iraq from his Oedipal War built on a tapestry of lies, distortion, and intimidation might jeopardize furthur his sinking poll numbers.

The nation be damned!

Harrry Tenney (electronic Mail, November 6, 2003)

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