Archives - Jim Heilman at Work
November 2003
International Foundation for Election Systems: Jim Heilman at Work
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Jim Heilman, IFES Interim Project Manager, together with Mary Lou Schramm,
IFES Asia Director visiting from Washington

"On 5 November 2003, the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) handed over office equipment funded by USAID to the six members of the Interim Afghan Electoral Commission (IAEC).

At the event, held at the IAEC Head Quarters in Kabul were three of the international members of the Joint Electoral Management Body and the representative from USAID, Mr. David Hoffman.

IFES/ USAID donated two Dell branded computers and monitors, one HP Laserjet printer, one HP inkjet printer which includes FAX, copying, scanning and one HP Scanner. Wireless internet service with internet connections in each office has also been provided and still to come is a photocopy machine and two mobile phones.

"It is often said that election commissions are the gatekeepers of democracy. It is our hope that through this presentation of equipment and through the assistance that IFES and USAID plan to provide over the coming months, we can in some small way help all of you open that gate through which the tide of democracy change will flow in Afghanistan." Jim Heilman from IFES said during his speech to the Interim Afghan Commissioners at the ceremony.

Established in 1987, IFES, a non-profit NGO provides technical assistance on electoral issues in more than 100 countries throughout the world. IFES encourages international and national democracy by developing programs supporting the rule of law, good governance and civil society. Apart from its existing support programs in the field of civic education, IFES's major focus in Afghanistan will be to provide capacity building assistance to the IAEC.

The proposed program for this capacity building project was developed by a team of electoral experts from IFES, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA).

The program includes training in computer skills; management skills and electoral administration. Study-tours and electoral observations in other countries have also been suggested as part of this program that will prepare the commissioners for future elections in Afghanistan." (Media Briefing Note, United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, UNAMA Electoral Component, November 2003)

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