think this legislation is very timely because if we pass it, Thanksgiving
will come early for the Washington special interests. The American public
will be presented with an enormous turkey stuffed with their tax dollars.
Tell your constituents to save their holiday Turkey carcasses because this
farsighted bill even provides subsidies for carcasses used as biomass to
generate energy
... Adding to this feast, this bill also contains the other white meat.
Of course, I am referring to pork. I fear for the passage of a 1,200-page,
pork-laden bill. The outbreak of Washington trichinosis will be so severe
we will be forced to have a field office for the Centers for Disease Control
right next to the Capitol. I am not saying this will not generate some energy,
not at all. It will fill the coffers of oil and gas corporations, propel
corporate interests, and boost the deficit into the stratosphere.
Indeed, I have stated on several occasions the name of this bill should
be the ``Leave No Lobbyist Behind Act of 2003.'' Given the magnitude of
the largess offered in this bill, I hardly know where to begin. I feel somewhat
like a mosquito in a nudist colony. I hardly know where to begin..."
(John McCain, Press Release, November 19, 2003)