Archives - Barnie Day Says, In the fight of his life, Warner comes out swinging
November 2003
Mark Warner Administration: Barnie Day Says, In the fight of his life, Warner comes out swinging
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"Governor Mark Warner's sweeping, comprehensive proposal for reform of Virginia's antiquated tax structure, unveiled Monday in Richmond, calls for an increase in the state sales tax by a full penny, and would take Virginia's lowest-in-the-nation cigarette tax from 2.5 cents to 25 cents per pack. Under the proposal, local governments would be authorized 'phase up' the tax by as much as 50 cents per pack.

Taken together, the various components of the plan, a combination of cuts and increases-and huge shifts-would generate $1 billion in additional revenue for the cash strapped state and cement a heretofore elusive, pro-education legacy for Warner.

Even with the new revenue, the governor said, the state will have to grapple with deficits through the end of the decade. He placed the blame on ever-increasing Medicaid costs, a growing prison population, an anticipated increase of 100,000 kids in the state's schools, escalating costs of the car tax cut-and the cumulative effect of some 50 tax breaks granted by the legislature since 1995. He is proposing no new programs.

But coming on the heels of two regional sales tax referendums that voters rejected by large margins earlier this year, the proposals are seen by some observers as the equivalent of a high wire act without a net for a governor who, until now, has been politically risk averse.

The plan anticipates an unprecedented restructuring of the state's tax system and a general shift in the burden-largely to prosperous Northern Virginia-while funneling an additional $680 million into Virginia's Standards of Quality over the next two years.

The so-called 'death tax' on family farms, closely held businesses, and estates up to $10 million in value would be eliminated, Warner said.

Chided throughout the summer and fall by senior Republicans for not showing his hand sooner, Warner left them gasping-and fuming-in Richmond. If anything, he was bold. Not only did he offer a full phase-out of the state's hated car tax by 2008 (currently at 70%) but he also promised full elimination of the state's share of the sales tax on food. Currently 4 cents per dollar, it would drop to a local-government-share-only 2.5 cents.

And he didn't stop there. In a nod to average working Virginians, seen by many as the traditional Democratic base, Warner, addressing the state's income tax, proposed an increase in the personal exemption from $800 to $1000, an increase in the standard deduction from $3000 to $4000, and complete elimination of the tax for individuals earning less than $7000 annually, or for couples earning less than $14,000.

Overall, 65% of Virginians would pay less taxes under his proposals, the governor said.

Higher earners in Virginia-the 8% of filers who make as much as $100,000 annually--will face a new tax bracket and pick up some of the difference, paying 6.5 percent on earnings over $100,000. The governor's proposal would grandfather age deductions for current beneficiaries who are 62 and older. Beginning in January, 2005, though, the age deductions would be deferred until age 65 and, in a move sure to displease many high-income seniors, would decline on a sliding scale as income goes up, beginning at $50,000 annually for individuals, and $75,000 for couples. The governor said current age deductions, which apply regardless of earnings or wealth, currently cost the treasury $290 million a year.

And corporations would pay more-at least more would pay something. Warner said he would close loopholes in the code that allowed 21 of the top 50 largest to evade income taxes altogether in 1999.

And, mindful of the frailties of the state's small retailers, he promised to end the practice of requiring accelerated filing of sales tax receipts.

Noticeably absent from the package Warner said he will send to the legislature was a move to tax services, a reach widely anticipated during the summer. Ditto any increase in the state gas tax, despite recent signals of support from the Virginia Chamber of Commerce and senior Republican lawmakers.

Speaker of the House William Howell and Vince Callahan, powerful chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, have both recently said they might support additional "user fees" on gasoline sales. A clue here: look for this one to be at least one component of competing reform packages that will surely be filed once the legislature convenes.

Warner did say he would earmark dedicated fees totaling $350 million to the Transportation Trust Fund over the next two years.

Warner will spend the next few months trying to make the case for his 'fairer' tax system, for an abiding commitment to public education, and for the importance of fiscal integrity, but success is far from certain, though indications are that he has done his homework.

What is certain is that the proposed reforms will face, especially in the House of Delegates, excruciating-perhaps even hostile-scrutiny by a tax averse, Republican legislature when the General Assembly convenes in January.

The stakes could not be higher for Warner. Success-as long-shot in nature as it may seem-would mark him, with two years left in his term, as one of the savviest state chief executives in America and would unquestionably give him national profile as a Democrat. Failure will relegate him to irrelevance.

Warner knows the odds, the risks, and what's in play. Administration insiders say the governor has steeled himself and is ready for the fight of his life on this one. It may have taken a few clangs of the bell, but he came out swinging Monday." (Barnie Day, electronic mail, November 24, 2003)

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