Archives - POTUS/ POT US
November 2003
Letters to the Editor: POTUS/ POT US
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It was once erroneously reported FDR left his dog Fala behind during a trip and sent a destroyer back at taxpayers' expense to retrieve it. FDR made a joke of the episode, and the nation laughed. Now we have the spectacle of POTUS George W. Bush visiting Buckingham Palace, London, with five of his own chefs. Not one. Not two. Not three. Not four. But five, count 'em, five Yankee chefs flying on taxpayers' dollars so that His Royale Presidential Palate might be satisfactorally titilated by American gourmet cuisine. This from the nation that gave the world the hot dog and the Big Mac.

The fact is, POTUS does not only stand for President of the United States but is code for POT US, meaning the nation's chief executive not only travels with a black box with the nuclear geni but also with a pot of his own that he may never know a moment's hunger. While poverty and unemployment deepens on his his watch, the President ensures the republic that no matter what happens in Appalachia, Harlem, Michigan City or Watts, he ain't gonna gonna miss his favorite cheeseburgers.

Reportedly, Queen Elizabeth -- who did not bring a single chef with her when she visited Chicago in 1959 -- was stunned by the President's insult to British cooking. In defense of the POT US it must be said it is in the public interest for him to brings chefs along, as whenever he attempts to cook up anything by himself, he makes quite a mess of it. He has already upset millions of Brits and Americans alike by steadfastly refusing to tell anyone how or where he got the ingredients for his recipes, especially his famous yellow cake.

POT US also has another meaning, of course. When the President dared the terrorists in Iraq with the words "bring 'em on," he literally invited them to take POT SHOTS at our men and women in uniform. So wherever POTUS goes, there's sure to be trouble when he flings the POT US challenge in foreign faces in foreign places. It's past time to get POTUS/POT US out of the kitchen for exposing our military to the POT US dangers of his cooking. Wherever he travels, he should be forced to sample foreign cooking. Being POTUS is not just a matter of knowing how to open one's mouth. It should also include opening one's mind.

Sherwood Ross (electronic mail, November 26, 2003)
Charlottesville, VA

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