Archives - Stratton Salidis Responds to Maurice Cox and Kevin Lynch
November 2003
Letters to the Editor: Stratton Salidis Responds to Maurice Cox and Kevin Lynch
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Hello Kevin and Maurice,

Thanks for your efforts on behalf of our city. Here are some quotes from your press release and some comments from me.

1. "a cost of approximately 26 million dollars."

The figures available at the last UNJAM showed 25 million for the 250/macintire intersection and a little under 2 million for the rest. I know the road itself is more than this esp. when the storm water detention pond (as opposed to VDOTs multiple ponds) is thrown in - which I understand VDOT doesn't want to pay for.

2. "The parkway must only be built as part of a regional network of roads."

I may be wrong but I think I remember the wording centered around creating a "comprehensive transportation plan" (landuse?) Was the word sustainable in there? In any event current planning is not comprehensive and is nearly the opposite of sustainable. Where can I find the exact wording?

3 "Specifically, the Parkway must not become a defacto Eastern connector, i.e., being used by the public to travel from Route 29 North to Pantops-Route 20 North."

What about north/south traffic now that the bypass is out of the draft CHART? Do we want it coming through the center of town?

4. "a Meadowcreek Parkway done right can be a great asset to the community. "We must have high design standards and County cooperation to polish the jewel that is McIntire Park."

Sure, anything can have positive effects - A heart attack may convince someone to eat better for instance, but thats not a reason to try and have one. I dont think either of you believe that the Parkway would have a net positive impact on our community, especially when compared to what we could do with the $ otherwise. These comments seem unnecessary. If you get this in time please consider taking them out. I can understand your position as counselors who have to work with a majority of council who are pushing the road. I hope as candidates who could be a part of an anti-parkway pro-transit majority on the coming council you will again speak more plainly about just what a disaster this road would be and the opportunities we have if we ditch it. We've got almost 3 months before the mass meeting. Surely we can find 3 strong candidates to get behind.

Thanks again,

Stratton Salidis (electronic mail, November 29, 2003)

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