Archives - Downing Smith Comments on War With Iraq
March 2003
Letters to the Editor: Downing Smith Comments on War With Iraq
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Do you know if there has been a poll lately about what percentage of the country is for/against attacking Iraq?

According to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll, 55 percent of respondents said they "would support an American invasion of Iraq, even if it was in defiance of a vote of the Security Council.

But a majority of respondents, 52 percent, say inspectors should be given more time to search for evidence of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons on the grounds in Iraq" (Adam Nagourney and Janet Elder, The New York Times, March 11, 2003).

I just saw on the morning news that 65% of the British people would support the war if they get UN approval.

"The latest British poll showing only 15 per cent support for an attack on Iraq without UN backing is the first published in Britain since last Friday's report by the UN chief weapons inspector, Hans Blix, and the proposal for a second resolution setting a March 17 deadline for Iraq to disarm.

It showed 68 per cent would support a war with UN backing, up from 52 per cent less than two weeks ago. But the poll also found 78 per cent of these believed there must be a second UN resolution for their support to hold. " (Mark Riley, Political Correspondent, F2)network,

Also on the morning news they interviewed Winston Churchhill's grandson and I thought he had some interesting insights. First he pointed out that the French have arms for oil deals with Iraq. Second they are trying to postpone the war until summer when our troops will have to run around in full biological protection gear in the worst of the desert summer heat.

Contrary to what a lot of people think about me I don't support attacking Iraq. Even though I may not have a sign in my front yard, was opposed to City council passing a resolution, and support our troops, I think an atack on Iraq would be an unprovoked act of aggression. We will have to wait until Iraq unleashes their weapons and kill lots of innocent people before we can do anything.

We had our chance to do away with Sadddam when he attacked Kuwait but we didn't finish him off. Bush is insane, not even legally the president, and could be doing many worthwhile things in our own country with all the money this war is going to cost.

Unfortunately he has made up his mind and has the power to do it. The war is a done deal in my opinion. Then maybe North Korea, Iran, the Phillipines, and maybe some other places. This whole thing is pretty depressing. We are abandoning the moral high ground if we ever held it.

I guess we will have to wait until Monday to see what happens. Maybe you should conduct a poll to see how many people think we are going to war on the 17th.

Have a good morning,

Downing Smith (electronic mail, March 11, 2003)

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