Archives - Gosh, I Sure Hope Nobody Ever Liberates Us!
March 2003
USA at War: Gosh, I Sure Hope Nobody Ever Liberates Us!
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In a Thursday, March 27, 2003 news conference President Bush said:

"This isn't a matter of timetable, it's a matter of victory. And the Iraqi people have got to know that, see. They got to know that they will be liberated and Saddam Hussein will be removed, no matter how long it takes" (AP- Camp David, Md, The Daily Progress, March 28, 2003).

"An Iraqi child who was burned during the overnight bombing raid on Baghdad cries as he is being picked up by his mother outside the emergency room of a Baghdad hospital on March 22" (, March 22, 2003)

Christian Science Monitor, March 24, 2003

"Gosh, I sure hope nobody ever liberates us!

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