Archives - Mitch Van Yahres Comments on Republicans' Wrong Focus
July 2003
Letters to the Editor: Mitch Van Yahres Comments on Republicans' Wrong Focus
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Lately the statements of Virginia Republicans have caused me a combination of amusement and fear. A better way to state it is that these folks would be funny if we were in a comedy club. But they are the majority in the General Assembly and that makes them scary.

Delegate Bob Marshall, coming off his recent excursion into dictating health policy to colleges and universities is now ranting in the Richmond Times Dispatch (July 2, 2003) that the recent Supreme Court decision overturning Virginia's sodomy law will cause the end of civilization as we know it. In this same piece, Marshall indicates that he might not have a close relationship with the facts. In order to scare the uninformed, Marshall blames HIV/AIDS on the homosexual community. A little fact checking might have been appropriate. Bob, get a grip! There is more to governing than interfering with other people's sex lives.

Speaker of the House Bill Howell is throwing a hissy fit because the nonpartisan organization, Virginia Foundation for Research and Economic Education (FREE) is not being kind to members of his party. As a result he is urging his caucus not to fill out FREE's candidate surveys. This temper tantrum was caused because the nonpartisan organization Virginia FREE believes that good roads and education are important - maybe more important that cutting taxes. Roads and education good for business? Who knew? Did I mention that FREE is nonpartisan? They have no obligation to the Republican party! I would hope that the Speaker has better things to do with his time than plan meaningless revolts against nonpartisan organizations.

And, about gubernatorial candidate, oops - I mean Attorney General Jerry Kilgore? Where do I start? When he's not spending the state's limited resources hiring outside counsel to defend laws that have already been determined unconstitutional in other costly cases, he's spending money on blue ribbon educational commissions (which last time I checked was not in his job description.)

I keep waiting for Republican leaders to stop and tell us they don't really mean it. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that I'll be waiting for a long time.

Mitch Van Yahres (electronic mail, July 21, 2003)

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