Archives - Gib and Elizabeth Akin Comment on Kay Slaughter, the Water Control Board and the Virginia Senate
February 2003
Letters to the Editor: Gib and Elizabeth Akin Comment on Kay Slaughter, the Water Control Board and the Virginia Senate
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We are all diminished by the slimy, smug misuse of political power in rejecting Kay Slaughter's nomination to the Water Control Board. A joint House/Senate committee on nominations voted along straight party lines, citing what might be an appearance of a possible conflict of interest. In the full senate, where three Republicans joined the Democrats, Ms. Slaughter lost - even though senators received a letter from the Virginia State Bar stating that there is no conflict.

The real conflict of interest seems to be within the state senate itself: those with environmental expertise and values are in conflict with the interest of the Senate, which seems to be to make sure that exploitation of water resources is not limited. Exploitive interests are easily represented, but protective interests are not, especially on the Water Control Board as now constituted. This Board needs a voice for the environment, but partisan politics silenced that voice. We all need a voice for the environment, but Kay Slaughter, a skilled representative of all our interests, is not allowed to serve us.

Ms. Slaughter's nomination was supported by Governor Warner, Senator Creigh Deeds, Del. Mitch Van Yahres and Senator Emmett Hanger, and they are to be commended. But we hope they will do more to get us the representation we need, and to further expose the shameful misuse of power in Richmond.

We are also mystified by the silence of good Democrats.

Gib & Elizabeth Akin (electronic mail, February 4, 2003)

Editor's Note: The Virginia Senate voted 20-19 on February 3rd to reject Governor Mark Warner's nomination of Kay Slaughter to the State Water Control Board.

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