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Dear George, Regarding Mr. Card's feeling about the Democratic candidates, I refer him to George Orwell's well known book "1984." In Orwell's description of the future, he notes that a war has been going on for as long as anyone can remember - the character in the novel doubts whether a war is happening at all because there is no way of determining a victor. Such is the case with "the Bush War on Terror," it is an invented "war" by Mr. Bush on an opponent that defies geographic definition. The definition of the opponent seems to include anyone who opposes the U.S. military insurgency in Iraq, but Mr. Card would do well to note that our involvement in Iraq is just that: a military insurgency. We have taken over a country, not unlike the U.S.S.R.'s take over of Eastern European countries in the middle of the last century. We have done so violently and that our soldiers would be opposed with violence by some citizens is only logical. Violence begets violence. Once we began killing others we could logically expect our own to be killed. This is not noble or heroic unless we are vanquishing a specific foe. We have no specific foe. Unfortunately, for Mr. Card, we in fact, have no war. That was declared over in May of this year. The Democratic candidates who oppose the "faux war" are the only refuge of sanity and they are fighting more for the lives of Americans in opposing their senseless killing, than the men who support placing them in the line of fire. Rather than opposing the war there positions might better be described as "opposing the transfer of American wealth into the corporations that oversee the constrution of munitions." To be clear: we possess the greatest active nuclear arsenal in the history of humanity. Our equal is nowhere close to us. Our country is the center of wealth and commerce in the world. To be clear: we are not in danger. We live in a time when American citizens pose an equal threat to us. The rest of the world must, in fact, fear our wrath since we are unhesitant to use our military might when pushed under this administration. The Japanese are not upon our shores, and Adolf Hitler is not waving a swatstika. If we have spent $80 billion dollars to apprehend Saddam Hussein it was surely the most expensive manhunt in the history of the world and a grievous one for those killed in the hunt. Mr. Card, there is no evidence that this expenditure is necessary other than the sagging profits of the makers of U.S. weapons, the economic threat to the domination of U.S.-owned oil companies, and the embarassing fraudulent behavior of top executives of major U.S. corporations whose misdoings have been equally costly to the world but remain unpunished. One could also include the need for Mr.Bush and his associated to dissociate themselves from blame over the 9/11 attacks by creating a villain who can never be defined and therefore never be defeated. Mr. Bush's Presidency is arguably the greatest threat to the planet earth in the history of human kind. It is totally dependent on our willingness to believe in fairy tales. The wolf is not at the door. The wolf is a poor, starving desperate animal screaming for water outside the gates of Buckingham Palace. Rationally, Mr. Bush is our King and our army, hired exterminators to rid the palace of roaches. If any of the Democratic candidates oppose the war for any of the above logical reasons, they are only sick with common sense, much like founders of country were over two hundred years ago. A sharp irony that our current President bears the same name as the King from whom we won OUR independence. Again, I point out for Mr. Card that "WE" are not struggling. There are a handful of American soldiers and their families who have been asked to suffer for the sake of Mr. Bush publicity campaign to help save these industries that have made our country the world power that it is: oil and weapons. No Americans are suffering under invasion, and the only ones suffering without homes are those our own government has not been able to solve the problem of housing. There is no war, but rather a political campaign. Mr. Bush has very good reasons for invading Iraq. He has a perfectly legitimate plan to foster world domination on the part of American economic interests. When he claims this boldly and honestly without pandering to an image of peace maker, we will then be able to feely choose to support him or not. Democrats who oppose the war are only opposing the lie. They are the patriots in the world. Peace, Joe Clancy (electronic mail, December 21, 2003)