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George, Politics is fine and no one works that angle better than Kilgore. But you are missing an equally large issue. To Wit: Jerry Kilgore has taken the lead in a counter-suit as a Virginia official(AG) - opposing 9 other states AG's suit to force the EPA to enforce the Clean Air Act against a host of coal burning power plants upstream of Virginia. Kilgore is helping to OPPOSE a suit that would work to make Virginia's air cleaner - forcing power plants to add EXISTING technology to remove harmful pollutants and acid rain causing emissions. Interesting in that Virginia is currently spending taxpayer dollars to remediate acid rain damage to our streams and lakes. Upstream airpollution has been identified as the cause of degraded vistas along our Blue Ridge. The guy is a weasel, bought and sold by his thirst for bigger political ambitions. Like so many others in his party, he only cares for the guys who pave his career path and will say anything to make it happen. It would be nice if Virginians knew how they were being sold out by this guy. My guess is there are also deals going on from his coal country pals - some of the lowest bottom feeders in the nation. Now this could be a great story. Enjoy. Robert Wilson (electronic mail, December 17, 2003)