Archives - Sherwood Ross Advises Dean to Stop Whining and to Outfox His Competitors
December 2003
Letters to the Editor: Sherwood Ross Advises Dean to Stop Whining and to Outfox His Competitors
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Dear George:

Howard Dean only makes himself look weak by turning to the DNC for relief from attacks by his fellow Democrats. To begin with, those attacks reflect his strength as a front-runner and keep him in the spotlight. As the media always allows him to rebut his opponents, he has the opportunity to repel the boarders out to sink his ship. He needs to have thoughtful answers to each attack. His press aides need to tell inquiring reporters, "Oh, did Lieberman say that? We'll get back to you on that with a statement later today." Dean is running the best campaign ever in modern times for a new face on the political scene. He shouldn't whine and beg the DNC to call the hounds off. He needs to outfox them.

My only suggestion for Governor Dean now would be to attack the Administration hard for the loss of factory and technology jobs that are being exported abroad, and the Administration's faillure to retrain the dispossesed workers and for the president to make good on his promise he will not rest until every American who wants work will have a job. Bush has got nine million to go on that canard. This from the man who wants to put an end to overtime pay! Senator Edwards is scoring points on this and for good reason. At the present time, everywhere you turn and look, American-based multinationals are exporting jobs perhaps as never before in history. By depleting the wages of American workers who do they think is going to buy their products and fuel this economy?

Sherwood Ross (electronic mail, December 29, 2003)

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