Archives - Adrienne Weinberger Touts Unity and Determination Once the Democratic Primaries Are Over
December 2003
Letters to the Editor: Adrienne Weinberger Touts Unity and Determination Once the Democratic Primaries Are Over
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Dear George:

Regarding Dean and the Democrats: Democracy means that many can vye for the Democratic nomination for our next President. Therefore, it is too early for pronouncements on holding on to delegates and supporters.

Unfortunately, the Democrats in Virginia and in the US are tremendously fragmented and many like me are disillusioned. Once we get a nominee, and according to the polls, it seems that Dean at this point is our best bet, all Democrats and willing Republicans need to back this nominee in order for us to achieve our main goal--getting Bush out of office.

Only by grass roots appeals and perseverence, like the tortoise and the hare situation, can we prevail. We can do it, if we are willing to be forgiving and determined to band together. Let's see what happens in the primaries!


Adrienne Weinberger (electronic mail, December 29, 2003)

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