Archives - Tom McCrystal Comments About Spamming and the Howard Dean Campaign
August 2003
Letters to the Editor: Tom McCrystal Comments About Spamming and the Howard Dean Campaign
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Slashdot is carrying a post today titled "Is the Dean Campaign Spamming?"

It reports:

"It appears that the campaign is outsourcing their email with some dubious marketing partners who are then using notorious spamhauses to send out the actual email. Why does a supposedly "net savvy" campaign even think for one second that this approach is acceptable?"


The crux is that the Dean campaign paid a third party, who promised they were sending to opt-in lists. While the campaign did the right thing after the fact (firing their contractors), it still doesn't buy a lot of credibility with me. After all, how much of the spam in _your_ mailbox claims to be "opt-in"?

Tom McCrystal (electronic mail, August 17, 2003)

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