Archives - Harry Tenney Comments on Bush Administration Lies
August 2003
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments on Bush Administration Lies
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Bush's nose grows longer by the hour; now, we find that all those drone planes that Bush said could attack the US with WMDs are nothing more than reconnaissance devices, incapable of carrying a can of "RAID".

We learn, after assurances from the Bush Administration, that the air quality around "Ground Zero" was safe and workers could continue recovery efforts, and the cleanup without fear of any residual effects, was a TOTAL fabrication.The EPA was pressured to cover up the actual facts in the interest of that grand old hackneyed phrase "national security".The immediate area of the WTC disaster was, in fact, a toxic waste site...with levels of asbestos, dioxins, PCBs and various other agents at as much as 1500 times the acceptable level for human contact! The Republicans plan on using the tragedy of 9-11 for maximum political gain;holding their convention in New York City on and around the anniversary of this infamous event..For shame!

I can only say, "I have had it up to here, I can't take it anymore!"

- Harry Tenney (Electronic Mail, August 26, 2003)

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