Archives - Nearly Half (40%) of Virginia's State Senators Oppose the Use of Birth Control Pills
April 2003
Virginia General Assembly: Nearly Half (40%) of Virginia's State Senators Oppose the Use of Birth Control Pills
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Did you know nearly half (40%) of Virginia’s State Senators oppose the use of birth control pills. Those same senators also oppose other contraceptive methods for preventing pregnancies. That percentage is probably higher among members of the Virginia House of Delegates.

Many of these lawmakers won’t publicly state that they oppose contraception. However, their votes in the Virginia legislature this year tell a different story. In their zeal to protect life from the moment of fertilization, they are placing access to the most effective birth control methods in jeopardy.

For the month of April, you can view 11 different messages about access to contraception on billboards throughout the City of Richmond.

14-16 East Canal Street, facing East

Maury Street Exit Ramp, facing East

South Side of Hull Street, at Scl Crossing facing East

12021 Jefferson Davis Highway

North Side of Hull Street, East of Swanson, facing East

Willis Road, East of Jefferson Davis Highway

516 West Grace Street, facing East

5100 Midlothian

North East Corner of Jefferson Davis Highway & Chesterman, facing North

715 Hull Street facing East

Broad Rock at Belt Blvd.

Think your legislators won’t vote away your access to contraceptives? Think again!

For related article, see Will Mark Warner's Changes to Abortion Measures Stand? [Answer: One out of three] and Billboards Counter Anti-Birth Control Campaign.

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