April 12, 2003 Coalition forces in Iraq are using a specially created
deck of 55 playing cards to identify the "most wanted" members
of Saddam Hussein's regime.
News reports today indicated that Amir Hamudi Hasan Al- Sadi, Saddam's
presidential scientific adviser, shown on "7" of diamonds card
No. 55, has turned himself in to coalition authorities.
Coalition officials have identified a list of 55 key regime leaders they
intend to pursue, kill or capture, Army Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks, deputy
director of operations at U.S. Central Command, said in Qatar April 11.
"The list does not exclude leaders who may have already been killed
or captured," he noted.
Command officials designed the cards displaying the names, faces and
titles of the Iraqis to help soldiers and Marines in the field should contact
occur, Brooks said. Each deck has two Jokers, one showing Iraqi military
ranks and the other, Arab tribal titles. Saddam Hussein is depicted on the
Ace of Spades.
The list is also being distributed throughout Iraq in other forms, such
as posters and handbills, which will become more and more visible over the
coming days, Brooks said.
"The intent here is to help the coalition gain information from
the Iraqi people, so that they also know exactly who it is we seek."
" (Linda D. Kozaryn, American Forces Press Service, April 12, 2003)
IRAQI TOP 55 (News Release, Headquarters United States Central
Command, April 12, 2003)
1. Saddam Hussein--President of Iraq/CINC of Military
2. Qusay Hussein--SSO, SRG & RGFC Commander
3. Uday Hussein--Saddam Fedayeen Commander
4. Abid Hamid Mahmud Al Tikriti--Presidential Secretary (WMD Release Authority)5.
Al Hasan Majid--Pres. Advisor, Fmr South Reg Cmdr
6. Izzat Ibrahim al Duri--Vice Chair of the RCC, North Reg Cmdr
7. Hani Abd Latif Tilfa al Tikriti--SSO Director
8. Kamal Mustafa Abdallah Sultan Tikriti--RG Secretary
9. Barzan Abd Ghafur Sulayman al Tikriti--SRG Commander
10. Muzahim Sa'b Hassan al Tikriti--Air Defense Force Commander
11. Ibrahim Ahmad Abd al Sattar Muhammad al Tikriti--Armed Forces Chief
of Staff
12. Sayf al Din Fulayyih Hassan Taha al Rawi--RGFC Chief
13. Rafi Abd Latif al Tilfah--DGS Director
14. Tahir Jalil Habbush al Tikriti--IIS Director
15. Hamid Raja Shalah al Tikriti--Air Force Commander
16. Abd al Tawab Mullah Huwaysh--OMI Director (WMD Production)
17. Aziz Salih Numan--BP Regional Cmdr/Cmdr BP Militia - Reg Cmd
18. Muhammad Hazmaq al Zubaydi--Central Euphrates Reg Cmdr
19. Sultan Hashim Ahmad al Tal--Minister of Defense
20. Ayad Futayyih Khalifa al Rawi--Al Quds Force Chief of Staff
21. Zuhayr Talib Abd al Sattar al Naqib--DMI Director
22. Abd al Baqi abd Karim al Sadun --BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Baghdad
23. Muhammad Zimam Abd al-Razzaq al Sadun --BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia
- Ta'mim & Ninawa Gov
24. Samir abd al Aziz al Najm --BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Diyal Gov.
25. Yahya Abdallah al Ubaydi --BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Basrah Gov.
26. Nayif Shindakh Thamir --BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Salah ad Din
27. Sayfal al Din al Mashhadani --BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Muthanna
28. Fadil Mahmud Gharib --BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Babil/Karbala
29. Muhsin Khadar al Khafaji --BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Qadasiyah
30. Rashid Taan Kazim --BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Anbar Governate
31. Ugla Abid Sighar al-Kubaysi --BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Maysan
32. Ghazi Hamud al Adib --BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Wasit Gov.
33. Adil Abdallah Mahdi al Duri al Tikriti --BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia
- Dhi Qar Governate
34. Husayn Al Awawi--BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Ninawa Governate
35. Khamis Sirhan al Muhammad--BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Karbala Governate
36. Sad Abd al Majid al-Faysal--BP Chmn & Cmdr BP Militia - Salah ad
Din Gov.
37. Latif Nussayif Jasim al Dulaymi--Dep Chmn Baath Party
38. Taha Yasin Ramadan--Vice President
39. Rukan Razuki abd Al Ghaful Sulayman al Tikriti--Chief of Tribal Affairs
40. Jamal Mustafa Abdallah Sultan al Tikriti--Deputy Chief of Tribal Affairs
41. Mizban Khidir Hadi--RCC Member, Reg CDR Central Euphrates Region
42. Taha Muhyl al Din Maruf--Vice President and RCC Member
43. Tariq Aziz--Deputy Prime Minister
44. Walid Hamid Tawfiq al-Tikriti--Governor of Basrah Governate
45. Hikmat al Azzawi--Dep Prime Minister, Economics & Finance Min.
46. Mahmud Dhiyab al Ahmad--Minister of the Interior
47. Amir Rashid Muhammad al Ubaydi--Former Oil Minister
48. Muhammad Mahdi al-Salih--Minister of Trade
49. Husam Muhammad al-Yasin--National Monitoring Director
50. Sabawi Ibrahim--Baath Party, Saddam Maternal Half Brother
51. Watban Ibrahim Hasan al Tikriti--Baath Party, Saddam Half Brother
52. Barzan Ibrahim Hasan al Tikriti--Baath Party, Saddam Half Brother
53. Huda Salih Mahdi Ammash--Party Youth & Trade Bureau Chairman
54. Humam Abd al-Khaliq Abd al-Ghafur--Min of Higher Education & Scientific
55. Amir Hamudi Hasan al-Sadi--Presidential Scientific Adviser/NMD Dir Gen