Archives - Russ Linden Comments on Meredith Richards, Virgil Goode and Roe V. Wade
September 2002
Letters to the Editor: Russ Linden Comments on Meredith Richards, Virgil Goode and Roe V. Wade
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There are many differences on the issues between these two candidates, and in almost every instance, Goode is on the wrong side.

As to Meredith Richards and Virgil Goode on abortion, their positions are clear, and strikingly different.

When they were on a call-in radio program a few nights ago, someone asked Virgil if he would ever vote to overturn Roe V. Wade. He said he'd have to see the specific piece of legislation. When the moderator pointed out that, when in the General Assembly, Goode had specifically said he wouldn't vote to overturn it, he again said he'd have to see the legislation.

Meredith then made her position clear -- that she would never vote to overturn Roe V. Wade.

Russ Linden (electronic mail, September 5, 2002)

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