Archives - Harry Tenney Comments About Preemptive Strikes
September 2002
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments About Preemptive Strikes
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For the better part of 50 years, the US was able to stem the tide of Soviet aggression in Europe and elsewhere; leadership from both political parties was able to deal with this aggressive nation its weapons of mass destruction, such as 100 megaton hydrogen bombs aimed at the US, massive quantities of poison gas, biological weapons (including anthrax). With the exception of some crazies like General Curtis LeMay (he wanted a smoldering heap of radioactive ashes) and Admiral Arleigh Burke, cool heads generally prevailed.

Administration after administration avoided any real consideration of pre-emptive strikes.

But the Soviets weren't ruled by a madman you say? Josef Stalin was no Mr Nice Guy, by any means, and Lavrenti Beria was only too eager to slaughter anyone in the Soviet Union that stepped out of line! Stalin massacred tens of thousands of his own people. Probably,the largest single reason no pre emption took place was the ability of the Soviets to retaliate.

Now, we have a greatly weakened Saddam Hussein presenting us (according to Bush & Co) with a "clear and present danger"! If he were to strike with any "weapon of mass destruction", Iraq and Mr Hussein would be history! He surely knows this, and murderous as he may be, he likes power and control of his little world and would not want to lose it all as the result of a first strike.

I think Senator Byrd has it just about right! There may be hope.

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, September 22, 2002)

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