Archives - Martha Wood Comments on Virgil Goode's Support of HB 2357 and Politics in the Pulpit
October 2002
Letters to the Editor: Martha Wood Comments on Virgil Goode's Support of HB 2357 and Politics in the Pulpit
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Virgil Goode's sponsorship of [HB 2357] is further evidence that he does not represent the people of his constituency who believe in keeping worship and politics separated.

If this bill is ever to pass, they will next try to legislate which form of worship is legal and the dominoes begin to fall. Soon we will be a Falwellian theocracy. All the more reason to place a voice of sanity in the seat of the Virginia 5th in the House of Representatives and let its current occupant go home where he belongs.

Martha Wood (electronic mail, October 8, 2002)

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