Archives - Harry Tenney Comments on Presidential Lies and Other Matters
October 2002
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments on Presidential Lies and Other Matters
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Apparently, if a president lies about a foolish affair with an intern, it becomes an impeachable offense. Lying about matters that effect the security and well being of a nation, get a dismissive wave of the hand. Specifically, Bush's distortions and outright lies about matters involving Iraq and its nuclear potential.

Bush recently cited a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency, stating the Iraqis were "just six months away from developing a weapon." There was no such report by the IAEA! It was a total distortion, at best, and an outright lie, more apparently! Bush's "fear mongering" coupled with his endless fund raising and unceasing campaigning for GOP candidates,would make one wonder who really is concerned about the "crisis'" he hysterically keeps escalating daily!

He has gotten congressional approval for his adventure in Iraq. I sense he will pocket it like the equivalent of a "get out of jail, free" card. Now, he is suddenly becoming the savior of 401-K plans and a protector of lower drug costs ... his recent speech castigating the drug companies for their endless law suits to protect their patents is just fluff! He vehemently opposed the Senate legislation passed recently and refused to consider any compromise. The GOP controlled house wouldn't even consider the measure,but now the Boy Emperor, after the congress recesses, announces he is the champion of generic drugs! The usual suspects (AARP,GOP,etc.) applaud the ability of this con man to make a 180 turn and come up on the side of a large voting bloc, namely, senior citizens.

The bitter irony is that nothing will change and the big GOP contributing drug companies, fundamentally,have nothing to fear. The republicans stopped governing for eight years as they went after their favorite pinata.To their credit, they acted as a united force and the Big Lie became their rallying force. The Democrats show divided polite outrage!

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, October 22, 2002)

PS..... Remember, it was not Bill Clinton that created the economic miracle of the nineties; it was Alan Greenspan and the GOP controlled House, under the guidance of Newt Gingrich......... Greenspan is still with us and the GOP still controls the House.

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