Archives - Good Jobs/ Common Sense
October 2002
Virginia 5th District Congressional Race: Good Jobs/ Common Sense
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"[The Meredith] Richards campaign unveiled two television ads that the Democrat is running this week on stations in Charlottesville, Lynchburg and Roanoke.

Her campaign is spending more than $75,000 to place the ads. One running in Roanoke and Lynchburg is titled "Jobs Lost" and the other in Charlottesville is called "There is a Choice."

In the latter, an announcer says "Virgil Goode's radical proposal to make our Social Security dependent on the stock market just doesn't make sense."

Then the Democrat is shown saying, "I'm Meredith Richards and this year there's a choice for Congress.

I'd work with Democrats, Republicans and independents … to build prosperity, create jobs and protect our quality of life. We need effective, common-sense leadership in Congress. On Nov. 5, I need your vote."

Voters Guide to Social Security

In the October 29, 2002, League of Women Voters 'Voters Guide', both Meredith Richards and Virgil Goode list protecting social security as one of their top two priorities (Voters Guide insert, sponsored by Giant Food Inc. and the Charlottesville/Albemarle League of Women Voters Education Fund):

Meredith Richards: "To protect Social Security [from] risky privatization schemes. Virgil Goode has co-sponsored legislation to privatize part of Social Security. I believe that we should not send this sacred program that has lifted thousands of seniors out of poverty into the hands of the people that gave us the Enron Corporation."

Virgil Goode: "We must preserve and protect Social Security. I know first-hand how important Social Security was for my mother, who lived to be 87. I oppose raising the retirement age, and I also oppose cutting benefits. I favor legislation guaranteeing benefits for those on Social Security."

The other 30-second spot running in Lynchburg and Roanoke offers no spoken words but shows stark job-loss figures from various Southside manufacturing firms that have cut thousands of jobs.

After the last of those graphics shows "Vanity Fair - 2,407," the screen slowly flashes the following silent messages:

"Jobs Lost,"

"29 years on the public payroll,"

"6 years in Congress,"

"and the only job he fights to save is his own!"

Then the screen shows a photo of the Democrat and the words "Meredith Richards for Congress."

Where Do They Stand?

WSET-TV began Week 2 (October 28, 2002) of "Where Do They Stand?" with a question about the economy. It comes from Pamela Johnson who lives in Bedford.

"I'm Pamela Johnson I'm from Bedford City. What they're going to do to get economy and clean businesses in here to boost and establish a tax base."

Rep. Virgil Goode. (R) 5th District - "We need to do three things. First, we must have a trained workforce that can handle the latest technological advances in the workplace. Second, we need to develop fiber, utility, and highway infrastructure all over the Commonwealth. Thirdly, we need more persons in Congress like me who are willing to vote no on NAFTA-like trade agreements that shift manufacturing jobs to third- world countries."

Meredith Richards, (D) 5th District Congressional Candidate - "Pamela, I've gone all over the 5th District telling people that I will work as hard as the day is long to bring new jobs, new businesses, and a new economy, a hi-tech economy to the 5th district. Governor Warner has already done more for the 5th district of Virginia in his nine months in office than our Congressman has done in six years. He wants a new partner in Washington, he has endorsed my campaign, and I want to work with Governor Warner to make that happen."

Goode has been running localized radio and television ads throughout the district for more than two weeks. Some of the Republican's latest ads tout millions of dollars of federal grants that he talks of helping to secure for universities and governments in the 5th District." (Bob Gibson, The Daily Progress, October 29, 2002)

Goode Receives Endorsement from Frank Wolf

Virginia Congressman Frank Wolf (R) has listed these appropriations that Goode has secured:

*$4.3 million for the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport

*$3.2 millon for infrastructure at the Danville airport

* $375,000 for JAUNT - a transportation service

* $250,000 for Operation Blue Ridge - a task force against child pornography on the Internet out of Bedford

* $200,000 for the Nelson Center

* $200,000 for water and sewer projects in Fluvanna County

Source: Ron Hasson, The Observer, October 30, 2002

For related articles about political advertising and the Virginia 5th District Congressional race, see Counting on Virgil Goode and Meredith Richards On the Issues and Virgil Goode Asks Fluvanna Voters 'Which Vision For Virginia Do You Want?'

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