Date |
Name of Vote |
Vote |
Score* |
02/12/99 |
Impeachment of President Clinton (Obstruction of Justice) |
G |
check |
02/12/99 |
Impeachment of President Clinton (Perjury) |
NG |
x |
04/05/01 |
To Eliminate the Marriage Tax Penalty |
Y |
check |
04/18/02 |
To End The Democratic Filibuster of ANWR Oil Exploration |
Y |
check |
06/11/02 |
Hate Crimes Bill |
N |
check |
06/12/02 |
To Permanently Repeal the Estate Tax |
Y |
check |
06/14/01 |
To Guarantee Equal Access to Public School Facilities for
the Boy Scouts of America |
Y |
check |
06/20/00 |
Extending Hate Crimes Protection to Homosexual Behavior |
N |
check |
06/21/02 |
To Permit Abortions At Military Facilities |
N |
check |
10/01/02 |
Motion to invoke cloture on the Homeland Security Act of 2002 |
N |
check |
10/11/02 |
Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq |
Y |
check |
10/21/99 |
Reaffirm Roe v. Wade |
Y |
x |
10/21/99 |
Partial Birth Abortion |
Y |
check |
11/07/01 |
Motion to Table Amendment Prohibiting Taxpayer Funding |
N |
check |