Archives - Campaign For Working Families Rates John Warner
November 2002
Virginia Race for United States Senate: Campaign For Working Families Rates John Warner
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Campaign for Working Families is unapologetically pro-family, pro-life and pro-growth. Here is the way they have rated recent votes by John Warner:


Name of Vote
Vote Score*
02/12/99 Impeachment of President Clinton (Obstruction of Justice) G check
02/12/99 Impeachment of President Clinton (Perjury) NG x
04/05/01 To Eliminate the Marriage Tax Penalty Y check
04/18/02 To End The Democratic Filibuster of ANWR Oil Exploration Y check
06/11/02 Hate Crimes Bill N check
06/12/02 To Permanently Repeal the Estate Tax Y check
06/14/01 To Guarantee Equal Access to Public School Facilities for the Boy Scouts of America Y check
06/20/00 Extending Hate Crimes Protection to Homosexual Behavior N check
06/21/02 To Permit Abortions At Military Facilities N check
10/01/02 Motion to invoke cloture on the Homeland Security Act of 2002 N check
10/11/02 Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq Y check
10/21/99 Reaffirm Roe v. Wade Y x
10/21/99 Partial Birth Abortion Y check
11/07/01 Motion to Table Amendment Prohibiting Taxpayer Funding N check

*Shows how this member's votes were cast relative to the position of Campaign for Working Families. Checks denote voting with the Campaign for Working Families.

The Campaign for Working Families was recently mentioned in a Falwell Confidential report entitled "A Quest for Power Prevails Over Grief."

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