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George, The Republicans favor a low turn out for many reasons. First, the modern Republican party is only a name; it bears little resemblance to the party of moderation that it once largely was. It has now evolved into a party of zealots and extreme right wingers who care little about the will of the people or the overall interests of the nation. Zealots vote. Complacency is what the modern GOP holds dear to its heart. It allows the minority to control the majority. One need only look at the Bush choices for key administration leadership positions to clearly understand the role this gang plays in our democracy. John Ashcroft sees the constitution as an impediment. Paul O'Neal brags about the "improving" economy, while consumer confidence hits a nine year low. Christie Whitman sees an environment "improving" based on a voluntary approach by responsible corporations, while funding for toxic waste cleanup is suspended. Air and water quality deteriorates. Harvey Pitt is pressured by the special interests not to make Biggs the overseer of corrupt accounting firms, and, instead, appoints William Webster who comes with a dark cloud over his head, but Pitt hides Webster's corporate record from the comittee.The White House says it still supports Pitt and his choice of Webster. Unbelievable. Now more than ever before -- certainly in my lifetime -- the Democrats must rally and try to keep this madness from continuing to erode our fundamental democracy. We must coerce, cajole and, if necessary, drag our voting base to the polls tomorrow. Let's try to take back what we have long enjoyed -- a free society. If we refuse to exercise our franchise as Americans, we surrender our Democracy to the pretenders whose charade is robbing of us of what is rightfully ours. VOTE! Harry Tenny (electronic mail, November 4, 2002)