Archives - Charlottesville and Albemarle General Elections
November 2002
November 4, 2003 Elections: Charlottesville and Albemarle General Elections
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On November 4, 2003, Virginia Senate and House seats will be put into play (e.g. incumbent Democrats Creigh Deeds and Mitch Van Yahres and incumbent Republican Rob Bell come up for election),

Creigh Deeds says that he "intends to run for reelection next year. That, in addition to practicing law, enjoying my family and the job of being a state Senator, will keep me plenty busy for now. I enjoy public service and will keep my options open for future years."

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Last time around, Democratic Delegate Mitch Van Yahres made an annoucement about his future political plans a couple weeks after the conclusion of the session of the Virginia General Assembly.

This year the session ends on February 22nd.

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Republican Delegate Rob Bell says that, at this time, he expects to run again in 2003.

as will seats for the Charlottesville Clerk of Circuit Court (incumbent Democrat Paul Garrett), Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District Directors (incumbent Democrat Nick Evans and incumbent Steven Meeks), Albemarle County Commonwealth's Attorney (Republican incumbent Jim Camblos), Sheriff (Republican incumbent Ed Robb), Albemarle County Board of Supervisor members in the Scottsville (Democratic incumbent Lindsay Dorrier), Rivanna (Democratic incumbent Charles Martin) and White Hall (incumbent Independent Walter Perkins) Districts, and Albemarle County School Board members in the Scottsville (Stephen Koleszar), Rivanna (Kenneth Boyd), White Hall (Charles Ward), and At Large (Gary Grant).

Albemarle County Commonwealth's Attorney

Odds are that Republican Jim Camblos, who seems to enjoy his job, will run again."

Who of these incumbents will choose to run again? Who will bow out? Who will their challengers be?

Albemarle County Board of Supervisors

In 1999, Eric Strucko challenged Walter Perkins for a seat on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors in the White Hall District. Word is, he might be interested in doing so again.

Will political parties or political candidates elect to have a primary on June 10th?

Albemarle County School Board

"During introductions, Koleszar, a seven-year member of the Albemarle School Board and its current chairman, announced that he is presently "considering" a run for a third four-year term. In 1999, Koleszar won his second term as the Scottsville District representative by a 1664 to 1085 vote count over Harold Pillar. In 1995, he won his first term on the Board by defeating Elizabeth Way by a margin of 1546 to 1450 votes. The only announced candidate in the 2003 Albemarle County School Board races is Gary Grant, the At-large member, currently in the third year of his first four-year term. Grant announced his intention to seek re-election nearly a year ago on November 7, 2001 and filed official Campaign Organization and Campaign Finance records at that time under the Committee name of "Re-elect Gary Grant to the School Board." Grant won his first term on the Board with 8,086 votes to Corey Carter's 4,558 and Jewel Mason's 3,553 votes. Two other School Board seats will be up for election in 13 months: White Hall (currently held by Chuck Ward) and Rivanna (currently held by Ken Boyd)."

Gary Grant (October 16, 2002 Constituents Report, electronic mail, November 22, 2002)

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