Veteran's Day
The President utters fake and false words before the unknown soldier.
The propaganda machine whirrs and churns
Convincing the sheep to
Fall in line.
Follow, follow into the slaughter.
War! War!
Beat them! Kill them! Destroy them!
And who is left on the fields of war?
Fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends.
Slaughtered in the name of
The master speaks and spews.
The sheep fall in line
Bullying and belittling
Those who step aside and say
Stop the propaganda machines sitting in rooms spinning messages of family
values and
Stop and notice
The single mother
left behind.
The older American
left behind.
The hungry child
left behind.
The unemployed
left behind.
Left behind and trudging the path of poverty in the land of the free and
the home of the brave.
While the chief runs ahead with a pot of gold, plenty of gold for
Weapons for killing.
For all else
There is no gold.
Fall in line, sheep!
Follow, follow the waving flag!
The patriotic flag!
Flying high and hiding the truth
You, too,
Are left behind.
11.11.02 Donna Goings