Archives - Ron Doggett answers Loper Questions
May 2002
Hate Crimes and Assaults: Ron Doggett answers Loper Questions
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We've been publishing a series of articles on the general topic of Hate Crimes and Assaults here on the Loper Website. As a part of this series, we are interviewing people with something to share - insight, opinion, even more questions - and will publish these interviews from time to time. The framework for the interviews is a questionnaire, but we will not slavishly force each interview to follow a prescribed format - ideas flow too freely for that.

Dave Sagarin interview with Ron Doggett

Should there be Hate Crime laws?
[EURO*] would like to repeal the hate crime laws - we think you should punish people for their crime, not their thought. I have been active, meeting with aides [to key legislators] about legislation that deals with hate crimes issues.

But you wanted the Charlottesville assaults to be prosecuted as Hate Crimes?
There have been several cases where whites have been prosecuted for hate crimes [against other races]. If it is on the books I think we should at least look into the law and see if it is being applied fairly.

We know that in the original police statement - it did come out that at no time they yelled racial stuff - but in one [police] report there was a statement that there was a racial bias to it. [And] we know there was a racial motive because [I have been told] at a basketball game the kids said that was why they were going to do it.

Comments on the recent assaults in Charlottesville
The 18 year old and the others have got their sentences, but I think there will be more [information about these assaults] to come out.

Comments on Community Committees
I went to the first meeting [of the Defense Committee] but they kicked me out. The committee decided to raise money for the defense. It's an outrage when city leaders gather together to raise money [to defend the assailants] -- when they've already confessed -- to coddle criminals.

Ken Jackson emailed the national office [of EURO] and said he was appalled that I was not permitted to attend - that he would defend our right to be there - I wanted [to attend the next meeting] to see if they had learned anything.

So they let me attend the second meeting but I was censored - not allowed to speak.

They decided to give 30% of the money to the victims - I went up to Alvin Edwards afterwards and offered a contribution of $50 if he would guarantee that it would only go to the victims, and he took it. (May 8, 2002)

Ron Doggett is President of the Virginia chapter of N.O.F.E.A.R. (the National Organization for European-American Rights], which is allied with David Duke's *EURO (European-American Rights Organization).

Comments? Questions? Write me at