Archives - Downing Smith Comments on the 2002 Charlottesville City Council Election
May 2002
Letters to the Editor: Downing Smith Comments on the 2002 Charlottesville City Council Election
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I see three reasons why Schilling won:

1) Meadowcreek Parkway
2) One shot Republican voting
3) Complacency on the part of democrats

I saw on the "News at sunrise" this morning Alex apologize to the party. Alex has nothing to apologize for. It is the people of Charlottesville who should be apologizing for not electing an intelligent, committed individual and electing a joke. How we have to suffer having a clown on City Council for the next 4 years.

I am not saying this because Alex is a Democrat. I don't consider myself a Democrat. I consider myself a concerned citizen somewhere left of center. I wouldn't be a Democrat if Democrats for Change was an independent party.

I don't have an objection to a Republican if it is someone like Darden Towe or John Pfaltz. The only good I can see out of this that it will wake us up.

Downing Smith (electronic mail, May 8, 2002)

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