Archives - Ben Thacker-Gwaltney Comments on the 2002 Charlottesville City Council Election and One-Shot Voting
May 2002
Letters to the Editor: Ben Thacker-Gwaltney Comments on the 2002 Charlottesville City Council Election and One-Shot Voting
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I was wondering if there are any plans from the city Dems to speak with the Daily Progress editors, since they basically ran a voters' guide on election day for How to Elect Rob Schilling.

If anyone didn't already know about one-shot voting, they certainly did after that extensive explanation of how it would work. I didn't see any journalistic balance in the form of a parallel article highlighting Blake and Alex, either.

Many of us noted the ongoing coverage of Schilling during the campaign, but I was shocked when I opened the paper Tuesday to see the extent of our paper's bias. In general the Progress has been even-handed in local elections, but not this race.

Ben Thacker-Gwaltney (electronic mail, May 8, 2002)

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