Archives - Sue Lewis Comments on the 'Under God' Controversy
July 2002
Letters to the Editor: Sue Lewis Comments on the 'Under God' Controversy
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Dear George,

I, like many others, got all the way through public school (I graduated in June of 1954, and don't recall it being used at graduation) under the old pledge - it took may years before I could find myself even slightly comfortable with the addition. Then, like most things, it became too familiar and I paid no attention to it. However, the older I get, the more concerned I am with the "separation" issue, especially in the very pluralistic society in which we live.

I think the California court was correct, but I also believe that it will not be upheld, and Congress will spend way too much time trying to find a way to codify it, rather than dealing with the much more important issues like education, housing and to the extent possible, corporate governance.

Sue Lewis (electronic mail, July 16, 2002)

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