Archives - David RePass Comments on Snooping, Operation TIPS and George W. Bush's Citizen Corps
July 2002
Letters to the Editor: David RePass Comments on Snooping, Operation TIPS and George W. Bush's Citizen Corps
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I thought your readers might be interested in knowing that the Justice Department will be asking thousands of Americans -- from postal deliverers to truck drivers -- to watch for "suspicious, and potentially terrorist-related activity". This program (progrom?) is call Operation TIPS. When workers "identify suspicious or unusual activity", their reports will be recorded in a national database. (The database has yet to be named, but I might suggest GUPI -- Guilty Until Proven Innocent or Gobs of Unsubstantiated Paltry Information).

You can learn more about volunteering to be a spy by going to George Bush's Citizen Corps website.

When 1984 came and went without George Orwell's premonitions coming true, I thought we had escaped "big brother". Oh brother! We're there now.

David RePass (electronic mail, July 17, 2002)

Update March 2018. From The National Home Security Alliance, The website, is no longer functioning.

The correct site is, Additionally, add's Guide to Disaster Preparedness:

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