Archives - Mary Bridle Concerns for Senate Bill No. 619
July 2002
Letters to the Editor: Mary Bridle Concerns for Senate Bill No. 619
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"I am concerned that people do not understand this is a Genetic Disease issue, as opposed to simply a cancer issue. Another concern I have is that the Bill is too broad. I really want something that forces insurance companies to cover treatment for potential illnesses due to genetic predisposition or family history when there is inadequate surveillance i.e., when there are no tests that can identify the "potential illness" in the early, curable stages. It just so happens that my case is the perfect example. There are no reliable diagnostic tests for ovarian cancer, this is why it is so deadly. I don't think the Insurance companies would oppose a Bill that limited the coverage in this sort of way. As written I don't think SB 619 has a prayer of passing and I don't think it should as it would open doors to misuse.

Thank you for your help. At this point I would like people to contact Ann Colley [(804)-371-9813] so that they can be alerted when the public hearing will be. At that time they can submit written comments and, if they choose, can ask to speak at the hearing. There will be massive opposition from the insurance industry. Comments that strike a balance and suggest an amendment to prevention of life-threatening situations will be most helpful I think. Again, thank you. Sincerely, Mary" (Mary Bridle, electronic mail, July 5, 2002).

Also see: Letter from Mary Bridle Requesting Support for Senate Bill No. 619 and Senate Bill No. 619 Mary Bridle Testimony.

Comments? Questions? Write me at